How to rack 8 ball
How to rack 8 ball

how to rack 8 ball

When calling the shot, it is never necessary to indicate details such as the number of cushions, banks, kisses, caroms, etc. Bank shots and combination shots are not considered obvious, and care should be taken in calling both the object ball and the intended pocket. It is the opponent's right to ask which ball and pocket if he is unsure of the shot. In Call Shot, obvious balls and pockets do not have to be indicated. The player pocketing either group first and then legally pocketing the 8-ball wins the game. One player must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 through 7 (solid colors), while the other player has 9 through 15 (stripes). As you can see from the photograph, when the balls are being collected they are placed loosely within the rack.These rules are adapted from the Billiard Congress of America for Dooly's 8-Ball Fun League and tournaments.Įight-Ball is a call shot game played with a cue ball and 15 object balls, numbered 1 through 15. Keep the rack behind the Pyramid Spot (the spot) as you collect the 15 balls – the white cue ball is not included and is rolled up to the head of the table, ready for the player who is about to break. It is in the interest of fairness that the balls in the two base corners are opposites, as these corner balls are the most likely to be sunk on a break. a solid colour in one corner and a striped colour in the opposite corner.Īfter the break the two players have to decide whether to play Solid (Low) or Stripe (High). in the centre of the third row up from the base of the triangle.Ģ The corners on the base of the pyramid must have opposite balls - i.e. The rules of pool (8-ball) make only two stipulations regarding racking the balls.ġ The black must be centred - i.e. As I said, this was how I was told it HAD to be done, and I still prepare the balls in this manner out of habit– even although I now know that some parts of the routine are unnecessary. The solid black number 8, had to be in the centre, and all the other balls had to be placed alternately in solids and stripe.

how to rack 8 ball

First of all I had to make sure the solid coloured yellow ball number 1, was at the head of the pyramid. Duh!Ī few years ago when I first began to play pool, I was told how I MUST prepare the balls for the rack. Let’s say you see a striped ball at the other end of the table with a purple stripe, and you know that purple in the solid numbers is ball number 4 – all you need to do is add the neutral ball’s number – 8 to the 4 and you have 12 which is the striped ball’s number. If you are arithmetically inclined, there is a really complicated method of making sure you 'call' the correct number. (Depending on the rules of your local pool hall, you may be asked to ‘call’ the number of the ball you are about to strike and ‘call’ which pocket you intend to sink it in.) And knowing the ball numbers is essential if you have to ‘call the shots’. They think that they will be able to read the numbers on the balls as they are playing, so why bother to remember.īut it isn’t always possible to see the numbers before a stroke, and nothing gives away the fact that you are a novice faster than your casual stroll up the table ostensibly to see the lie of the ball when everybody knows you are trying to see the number. For some odd reason, novices remember the solid coloured ball numbers, but get lost when it comes to the striped balls. The ball numbers tend to confuse beginners. The photograph showing the high and low numbers in a straight line - without the 8-ball - will give you a better idea of the colours. If the game is played between two players, and one contestant plays with the solid coloured balls and the other plays with the striped balls, how come there are 8 solid balls and 7 striped balls? There is nothing fair about that unless each player has 7½ balls each, and trying to make half a ball roll can be awkward. Have a look at the photographs and ponder. Not counting the cue ball – the white one without any numbers on it – there are 15 balls in the game of 8-ball. Today, Pool balls are made of phenolic resin or polyester. As they tended to chip and shatter easily, and as the world was running out of elephants, it was lucky for pool and elephants, that science, came up with the invention of Celluloid. The next stage up, or should that be down, was taking handfuls of clay and baking them into ceramic balls.

how to rack 8 ball

This makes sense, as it is the kind of thing civilisations would do until they ran out of forest. According to some sources, the first balls were made of wood.

how to rack 8 ball

For obvious reasons they are sometimes called stripes or solids.

How to rack 8 ball